Areas of specialization | Google Scholar |
theoretical syntax, historical linguistics, diachronic & comparative morphosyntax, fieldwork,
Austronesian syntax, western Austronesian languages, Philippine-type languages, Formosan languages
manuscripts & handouts
Geographic typology as a window into the evolution of the Austronesian language family. ICAL16 panel [slides]
Indonesian-type voice as a continuum in flux from A-bar to A-syntax: Insights from Javanese. Talk at AFLA 30. With Hero Patrianto. [handout]
Crossed control as an illusion: Insights from Javanese. Talk at AFLA 30. With Hero Patrianto. [handout]
Contact or inheritance? New evidence on the Proto-Philippines debate. With Kristina Gallego, Jonathan Kuo, Isaac Stead, and Benjamin van der Voorn [link]
Austronesian syntax. Oceania. With Maria Polinsky and Eric Potsdam [link]
Illuminating Māori prehistory and Austronesian expansion through Language Science/Linguistics. Hudson Lecture. RSNZ Wellington branch. [Slides]
To appear
The syntax of Philippine-type alignment: Insights from case-marking. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory [link]
The Javanese free exceptive and its implications for ellipsis constraints in Austronesian [link] [handout]. Proceedings of AFLA 30. With Luané Lennox and Eric Potsdam.
Gender distinctions and classifiers in Austronesian languages. [link] Oxford Handbook on Gender and Classifiers. With Maria Polinsky.
Voice morphology as the spell-out of parallel chains: Insights from Austronesian and beyond. [link] Agree & Move: The State of the Art.
What agrees, why and how? Austronesian-type voice and its variation beyond Austronesian. Proceedings of NELS 54. [handout] [paper]
The colonisation of the colour pink: Variation and change in Māori's colour lexicon. [link] [interview with Radio NZ] Linguistics: An Interdisciplinary Journal of the Language Sciences. With Neil Dodgson and Meimuna Zahido.
Onomatopoeias in Puyuma. Comparative Handbooks of Linguistics. With Jonathan Kuo. [link]
When sound change obscures morphosyntax: Insights from Seediq. [link] Oceanic Linguistics.
Rethinking Indonesian-type passives: Lessons from Javanese. [link] Proceedings of NELS 53.
Two sides to the same coin: Reappraising Indonesian-type passive and OV in Javanese. Proceedings of AFLA29. With Hero Patrianto (first author) [link]
When Philippine-type voice meets Indo-European-type voice: Insights from Puyuma. Journal of East Asian Linguistics. [link]
Is Malayo-Polynesian a primary branch of Austronesian? A view from morphosyntax. Diachronica. With Jonathan Kuo, Kristina Gallego, and Isaac Stead. [link] [ICAL 15 slides]
The evolution of syntax in Western Austronesian. Routledge Hanndbook of Asian Linguistics. With Brad McDonnell. [link]
What agrees, why and how: A view from Austronesian. Move & Agree Forum: Workshop on the Formal Typology of A'-agreement. [handout]
The design of Philippine-type syntax, with special reference to Formosan. [AFLA 28 handout]
The derived intransitive in Formosan and its implications for Proto-Austronesian Actor Voice. Oceanic Linguistics 59(1). [link]
Tagalog voice revisited: Insights from binding. Proceedings of WCCFL 38. [link]
One language, two 'voice' systems: Insights from Puyuma. Proceedings of WCCFL 38. With Shin Fukuda. [link]
Western Austronesian "voice". With Bradley McDonell. Annual Review of Linguistics (5). [link]
The Raising-to-object construction in Puyuma and its implications for a typology of RTO. Glossa 3(1):111. [link]
Writing Grammars of Endangered Languages. With Amber Camp, Lyle Campbell, Nala Huiying Lee, Matt Magnuson, and Samantha Rarrick. Oxford Handbook of Endangered Languages. [link]
A reexamination of the Philippine-type voice system and its implications for Austronesian primary-level subgrouping. [link]
PhD Dissertation, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa.
The pitfalls of negative evidence: ‘Ergative Austronesian’, ‘Nuclear Austronesian’ and their progeny. [link]
With Robert Blust (1st author). Language and Linguistics 18(4).
Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA 23).
Canberra: Asia-Pacific Linguistics.
With Shin Fukuda. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA 23). Canberra: Asia-Pacific
"Pivot" ≠ Absolutive: Evidence from Formosan. [link]
Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistic Society (BLS 42).
When synthetic meets analytic: A note on structural borrowing in Kaxabu Pazeh. Oceanic Linguistics 55(2). [link]
To see a world in a grain of sand: Review of Legate (2014), Voice and v: Lessons from Acehnese. Oceanic Linguistics 55(1). [link]
With Shin Fukuda. Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistics Society (NELS 46).
Raising to object out of CP as embedded left dislocations: Evidence from three Formosan languages. [link]
With Shin Fukuda. Proceedings of the 33rd West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL 33).
Three ways to steal an element from a CP: evidence from Formosan.
With Shin Fukuda. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA 22).
Cross linguistic priming of the passive in Mandarin and English.
With Claire Stable (1st author), Liu Nian, and Kamil Deen. Proceedings of the 13th Meeting of the Generative Approaches to Second
Language Acquisition (GASLA 13).
Working Papers in Linguistics: University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Vol. 46(2).